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China is expected to account for 21% of the global data volume in 2020

Updated:2015/8/28 10:30

In the recently held “2015 China International Big Data Summit”, the Chief Engineer of MIIT Zhang Feng said, after years of information construction and Internet development, China has become a great power of data.

By the end of June, China's Internet users have reached 668 million, the Internet penetration rate has reached 48.8% and the total number of websites is nearly 4 million. Internet has become an important technology platform for production and life in China. With the growing popularity of information technologies and acceleration of the Internet+ integration trend, massive data will continue to gather rapidly.

According to the statistics of relevant international agencies, the total amount of China's data will increase by 50% per year in average and is expected to account for 21% of the global data volume in 2020, the rich data resources has constituted the foundation to promote applications of big data in China.

There’s large market space for applications and development of big data in China, Zhang Feng said, at present, more and more in-depth applications were used in E-commerce, advertising, searching and other fields.

In addition, the development of big data has already obtained certain technical and industrial foundation in China. The number of nationwide operational Internet data centers has exceeded 1000 and the CDN coverage network nodes have exceeded 2000. Along with the implementation of reducing the network cost, China's Internet capabilities will be further enhanced.

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