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Alibaba will release a new mobile OS jointly with Meizu

Updated:2014/10/17 10:31

Official Weibo account of Meizu announced on Wednesday that Meizu will hold a joint news conference in the afternoon of October 21st with Alibaba, but it didn’t disclose the contents of cooperation. According to the reports of Caixin Online, the two companies will jointly announce the scheme for a new mobile phone system. The new system will be based on the Ali cloud OS3.0 that will be released on October 20th, and combined with FLyme system of Meizu.

Senior personnel of Alibaba and Meizu had a controversy in Weibo before, but soon they "suddenly" get into a cooperation, which is definitely an about face. This is also the first time that an important mobile phone hardware vendor carries out cooperation with Ali cloud OS ever since it was issued.

But interestingly, some informed resources said, the new flagship of Alibaba is not from Meizu, but a device called Aurora with the cooperation of Philips, at the same time, it will be running the new system "cloud OS 3".

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