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China Mobile responses to the rumor of abolition of mass dispatched employees: reports are not true

Updated:2014/8/21 10:37

Media reported recently, China Mobile Shandong branch, Fujian branch, Shanxi branch and other branches are undergoing a layoff plan, massive dispatched employees were abolished.

According to relevant sources, the reason of the abolition was due to the requirements of "interim provisions of labor dispatch" launched by the MOHRSS: "the number of dispatched workers shall not exceed 10% of the total employee, any employing unit exceeding this proportion should cut down the number to below 10% by the end of February, 2016. China Mobile Shandong branch recruited a large number of workers in the expansion of its business, which has far exceeded the standard.

China Mobile is implementing a national personnel adjustment plan. A recent internal data of China Mobile shows that, the dispatched workers accounted for 62% of the group at present. In order to implement the relevant requirements of the provisions, the portion of dispatched workers is required to drop to below 50% by the end of 2014 and below 10% by the end of 2015.

The total number of employees in China Mobile is about 600,000, that is to say, nearly 300,000 dispatched workers need to be adjusted in positions by the end of 2015.

However, as a response to the news reports, relevant responsible person of China Mobile said to the media, China Mobile "doesn’t have the arrangement to withdrawal dispatched workers, the media reports are not true".

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