
ZTE Device set the goal to be top brand of 4G smartphone in China

Updated:2014/6/30 09:56

In the new product release conference of ZTE Qingyang 2 smartphone of 4G edition, Wu Hai, the new CEO of ZTE Device Department in China, also made his debut. The "new boss" of Device Department in China has serviced for more than 16 years in ZTE, he is the domestic director of ZTE Blade 880--the first smartphone with beyond-10 million units,and inside the ZTE he is known as "the father of Blade 880".

In the interview with C114, Wu Hai said, the next main goal of ZTE device business in China is bring ZTE 4G smartphone to the top brand in domestic market, and intensify the transition from B2B to B2C, according to the plan, sales volume of mobile phone through social channels will rise up to 50% in the next year or the year after next.

Wu Hai introduced that, this year's strategy was different from the "plentiful models" tactic in the past, the original plan with more than 100 models were compressed to 30, by taking the quality strategy, it may not achieve high shipments, but the high-end mobile phone development strategy will be the healthy and sustainable pattern as long as the balance between scale and profit is well maintained during the transition process.

Brand building is the core content of the strategy, Wu Hai said, the brand investment is a long-term process, in addition to the existing investment, ZTE will strengthen the investment in internet channels and deepen the cooperation with NBA, again with the improved quality of products ZTE will form a good reputation by the voluntary word of mouth of the customers.

In the last year, shipments by the operators accounted more than 70% of ZTE mobile phones, while shipments was less than 30% through the social channels. The goal in this year is to make shipments by social channels rise up to 35%, in which the ratio of 4G mobile phone can reach 70%.

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