Cloud Computing

Cloud Services for Government Capture Half China's Cloud Computing Market

Updated:2017/3/15 16:33

The cloud computing market is open to telecom operators with numerous Chinese government agencies tending to purchase services rather than IT equipments around 2013, in which the operators are not dominant before, Li Haoyu, deputy general manager of China Unicom Cloud Data said during the cloud data conference on March 14.

Three major telecom operators, Internet companies and integrators have got involved in China's cloud computing market, and China Unicom started research on it in 2008 and confirmed the technology evolution path of Wo Cloud in 2012.

Cloud-network is a big advantage for the operators, able to connect and expand the public cloud and private cloud through the network and realize the flexibility of cloud computing. Compared with Aliyun, China Unicom's Wo Cloud makes a push mainly for the government and state-owned enterprises, according to him.

Mr. Li noted that half of the cloud computing market is captured by cloud services for the government which leads a huge number of investments in IT.

According to statistics from Cloud Data Report in 2016, Aliyun ranks first on the TOP5 Chinese Cloud enterprises list, while e-Cloud of China Telecom and Wo Cloud of China Unicom are the second and the third respectively.

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